Inspiration From My Dad

Any Person Can Describe Who They Claim To Be But Evidence of Actions Provides The Truth Of Who We Really Are.

-My Dad

My Dad always told me... "Luke, you have to have real evidence of who you claim to be in your life or it all just becomes a bunch of descriptive and empty words". He told me that people slowly reveal who they are if you look closely and you need to see if their words match up to their actions. My dad always challenged me to go out there and get the evidence, so here it is…

I’ve always been small but never let that stop me. I have always had to go out there and earn it. From basketball being the shortest man on the floor, cross country, the shortest legs, on the playground trying to be noticed by the bigger kids so they would pick me to be on their team, and other things that other kids don’t realize when you’re my size.

My dad always told me – “Luke, go out there and have the biggest heart, the most drive, the attitude that you’re not stopping until you succeed at doing your very best, never let size be your obstacle. Your attitude and strength of a person with execution will carry you beyond what others will only dream of accomplishing".

My dad told me five things I must do:

  • Do what others won't do, push myself to do the uncomfortable
  • Stay highly organized
  • Be a person that is relentless at following through, never delay
  • Good communications
  • Street smarts – never knew what he meant but now I do. He says book smarts are one thing but street smarts always win.

The evidence of who I am is throughout this website…

from basketball to cross country, to community service, a diverse group of friends, and hunting down a job in town at age 14. I am small in size but big in heart and follow through. I work hard at everything I do from sports to community service, anything I set my mind out to do. I may not be one of those genius kids with the perfect scores in school when it comes to standardized tests but my dad always tells me….“Luke, you will be very successful in everything you do because you know how to execute, follow through and push yourself to do what most kids don’t want to do and nothing can replace that in your life”.

Did my dad help me with this website? Yes, but he didn’t help me push myself to get out there and run with the bigger boys. He wasn’t on the basketball court when there were kids 2’ taller than me. He doesn’t stand next to me washing dishes and cleaning tables at the deli. He doesn’t do the work for me when I volunteer at the Torrington Soup Kitchen to feed the homeless or do the work for me at the Possum Queen Foundation or Festival of Trees. He doesn’t sit with me at my desk in my classroom when I’m working hard at getting straight A’s.

These things are who I am and have become part of me and instilled in me by my wonderful family who understands how to build up a son that is a contributor, someone who follows through, and a person that does the things that most people won’t do at my age.



2 thoughts on “Inspiration From My Dad

  1. Derek Yurgaitis

    Great Post Luke! Your dad makes a lot of sense. Based on some of your other insights on this website I’d say you have other things that are as valuable or maybe increase the value of street smarts. You have faith and you have compassion. Continue to be kind and generous and you’ll go far.

  2. Scott Bakewell

    Luke, Love this post and love what you are doing. Your dad’s 5 points make a lot of sense. Use this a base to grow from. You are well ahead of the game.


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