Luke with owners at work

My Work

I have a job at our local Deli in the center of town called Petraroia Deli where I wash dishes, clean tables, take out the trash and basically do whatever my employer asks me to do. I am very lucky at age 14 to even have this job. I was working for my dad when I was 12 years old building handle kits for his products, then shipping them out. After 2 years of working for my dad, he said I needed to work for someone else and get some experience in a place where I don’t know anyone. He said this would allow me to grow by being in an unfamiliar place.

He always told me that being too comfortable can make me not want to push myself and if I don't push myself I'll never know what other things I can accomplish with my life. He would say this to me over and over again and for many years I did not always understand his constant repetitiveness but it finally sunk into my head.

This summer he told me to walk down the street (we live in town) and go see the new owner of the Deli that just opened up and tell the owner that you want to fill out an application. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Jennette were a little surprised, as I was only 14 but they appreciated my willingness to work at a young age and told me he never had anyone that wanted a job this young but he found a spot for me.

Luke at work
Luke at work
Luke emptying garbage

I only work 7 hours a week but I love working with everyone. They seem to like me a lot and I get free pizza and other food sometimes when I work. While working at the deli I have also learned to talk with customers and anticipate the things my boss wants me to do before he asks me to do them.

Also, I opened a bank account and I am learning how to manage my money and pay a few expenses my parents now ask me to pay. They tell me it will make me more responsible and help me understand what it means to spend and save money.


Luke at work
Luke at work
Luke working at deli